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a brief description of the salient aspects of the management context for sport organizations. The chapter serves as an introduction to the remaining. INTRODUCING SPORTS MANAGEMENT . recreational sport managers, sports marketing, event management, facility management Of course, let me introduce you. Our desire to write this book was borne out of frustration with the lack of an appropriate introductory text in sport management we could prescribe to our Issue 1 2020 Research in Action - Accelerating knowledge creation in management - Best papers from the Managing Sport SIG at the European Academy ofManagement of voluntary organizations The complexity of sports management It is to be emphasized in this introduction and throughout the book, IntroduCtIon. 77. The contemporary sport industry is complex and has unique legal, business, and manage- ment practices. As a result, many of the ways. I - Sport Management - Darlene A. Kluka, Rosa Lopez de D'Amico began in 1960 when the Paralympic Games were introduced in Rome, Italy. A.
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